Guidelines Focus Work

Currently no spaces are available

Contact: Rolf Imseng & Reto Wasser

Course requirements: Master students

Credit points: 6 ECTS (180 working hours)

Processing period: 6 months, independent of the semester cycle

The Chair of Construction Heritage and Monument Preservation offers the opportunity to work on a topic independently and in depth as part of a focus work. You can either propose a topic yourself or choose from the pool of topics provided by the Chair (see website: Open Call). In either case, the topic, scope and depth of work must be discussed with and confirmed by the professorship in advance. As a research professorship, the teaching of scientific work is an important part of a focus work at the Chair of Construction Heritage and Monument Preservation. A presentation is held at the Chair after completion of the focus work.

The Chair of Construction Heritage and Monument Preservation welcomes proposals for focus works on the following topics, among others:

Anyone wishing to propose their own topic is asked to submit a short dossier (1 to max. 2 A4 pages) explaining their idea. If objects or specific buildings or collections are proposed for investigation, it should be possible to inspect them in advance. Information about the object and some impressions/photos as well as plans can be sent along. The dossier should be sent by e-mail to Rolf Imseng and Reto Wasser.

The following guidelines for scientific work apply to the writing of in-depth papers:

Scientific Writing Guide

Citation Guide

gta Guidelines

Declaration of Originality