Masterarbeit FS22
In Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Jan de Vylder, Prof. Dr. Maarten Delbeke

What’s actually empty in this city?

In Zürich, 0.33%* of all built surface is empty.
Emptiness is a scarcity.
But in an over-regulated city like Zürich,
Emptiness is no coincidence.
It has to be on purpose – or useless, unwanted, outdated, neglected, forgotten or very expensive.

We will search for these empty spots, and we want to ask:

Why is it empty?
Since when is it empty?
How long did it take to become empty?
What’s the dimension of it?
Is the emptiness accessible?
Who used to use it?
Who owns the emptiness?
Whats is the durability of this emptiness?
Will it stay empty?
How much does the emptiness cost?
Who profits from it being empty?
What’s the potential of it?
Who knows about the existence of it?
What do people tell you about it?
And what may happen next?