Posts by: Orkun Kasap

Dr. Jasmin Schäfer

Dr. Jasmin Schäfer Forschungsgebiete Bauforschung, Konstruktionsgeschichte, historische Tragwerke, Denkmalpflege Curriculum Vitae Jasmin studierte Umwelt- und Bauingenieurwesen an der Technischen Universität München (M. Sc.) mit anschliessendem Aufbaumaster in Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung an der Technischen Universität Berlin (M. Sc.). Ihre Dissertation an der ETH Zürich verfasste sie über die Entwicklung weitgespannter Dachkonstruktionen in der Schweiz im Rahmen des SNF-Projektes Evolution of the […]

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Reto Wasser

Reto Wasser email Research Areas Head of Teaching, Supervision Master’s Theses, Core Course “Future Monuments”, MAS Seminar “Praktische Denkmalpflege” Curriculum Vitae Reto Wasser is an architect MSc ETH. He has been working since as a teaching assistant at the Chair of Construction Heritage & Preservation of Prof. Dr-Ing. Silke Langenberg at ETH Zurich. In […]

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Dr. Sarah M. Schlachetzki

Dr. Sarah M. Schlachetzki email Research Areas Architectural History of the 19th and 20th Century;  History of Industrialized Construction;  Cultural Heritage and its Preservation;  East Central Europe;  Memory Culture Curriculum Vitae Sarah M. Schlachetzki is Scientific Collaborator at the Chair for Construction Heritage and Preservation. She is co-director of the research project “Architecture & […]

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Salome Schepers

Salome Schepers email Research Areas Building in Existing Contexts, Preservation, Repair, Teaching, MAS / CAS Curriculum Vitae Salome studied architecture at EPFL in Lausanne, LTH in Sweden and ETH Zurich. Alongside her studies, she has worked in various architectural offices in Switzerland and abroad. After completing her Master’s degree at ETH in 2022, she has […]

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Dominik Reisach

Dominik Reisach email Research Areas Computational Design, Machine Learning, Digital Fabrication, Material Cultures Curriculum Vitae Dominik is an architectural and computational designer with a special interest in digital fabrication, traditional craft, and material culture. He has taught as a teaching assistant at the Chair of Computer Science in Architecture at Bauhaus University Weimar and at […]

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PD Dr. Robin Rehm

PD Dr. Robin Rehm email Research Areas Architecture Theory and Aesthetics, Design History and Theory, History and Theory of Painting from 1650 to the Present Curriculum Vitae Since 2023 Senior Scientist at the Institute for Preservation and Construction History (IDB) 2021–2023 Research Associate at the Institute for Preservation and Construction History (IDB) 2013–2020 Lecturer […]

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Tiago Matthes

Tiago Matthes email Research Areas Construction History of the 20th Century, Construction Processes, Patents in Architectural History  Curriculum Vitae Since October 2022, Tiago has worked as a research assistant and doctoral student at the Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) in the SNSF project “Architecture & […]

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Maria Kouvari

Maria Kouvari email Research Areas Architectural History, Construction Heritage, Preservation Curriculum Vitae Maria Kouvari is a scientific assistant and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation at ETH Zurich, co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg (Construction Heritage and Preservation) and Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete (History and Theory of Urban Design). Her doctoral research […]

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