Posts by: Orkun Kasap
Spherical Gas Tank in Freiburg in Breisgau (D) This course is offered in collaboration with the Arbeitskreis Gaskugel/Stiftung BauKulturerbe GmbH, Dr. Heike Piehler. Located in the border triangle, the Freiburg gas sphere is one of the larger spherical gas tanks with a diameter of almost 34 meters. It was built in 1964/65 by Pintsch Bamag […]
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Preservation: Uncool & Unloved Elective Course Spring Semester 2021 The task of heritage conservation is the inventory and preservation of objects worthy of protection. In doing so, it is confronted with a wide variety of challenges and issues, both constructive and social, such as ageing and decay, the desire for development, densification or change of […]
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«Welcome to the Future» Arbeitsgruppe Nachhaltigkeit AGN ETHZ, «Welcome to the Future», in: Hochparterre, 16 November 2021, How is climate-neutral construction communicated? The ‘Arbeitsgruppe Nachhaltigkeit’ of the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich discussed the issue with Silke Langenberg and Oliver Streiff.
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Die Pfauenbühne erhalten! 08.01.2021 Der historische Theatersaal des Schauspielhauses Zürich ist nach dem Beschluss des Zürcher Stadtrates vom Abriss bedroht. Wir unterstützen die Bemühungen des Heimatschutzes und weiterer Kreise zum Erhalt des historischen Theatersaals am Pfauen und fordern den Zürcher Stadtrat auf, seine Abrisspläne zugunsten eines dem Denkmal angemessenen Sanierungskonzeptes zu revidieren. © Bauforschung und […]
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MAS/CAS Treating the historic building stock with the necessary level of understanding and responsibility requires professionals with knowledge and skills that goes beyond their standard education. Starting Fall 2022, the new continuing education programmes at the Institute of Preservation and Construction History (IDB) will address this precise challenge of training experts in the area of […]
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FOR WO*MEN ONLY. GENDER EXCLUSIVE SPACES Seminarreise nach Val Müstair im Herbstsemester 2021 Doing Gender hat Harold Garfinkel den tagtäglichen Vorgang genannt, bei dem wir bestimmen, welches Geschlecht die Handelnden haben. Doing Gender funktioniert nicht ohne Orte im analogen und digitalen Raum, in der Literatur, in der Wissenschaft, Technik oder Geschichte. Doing Gender macht Architektur […]
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For Wo*Men only. Gender Exclusive Spaces. Focus Work Fall Semester 2021 Doing Gender is what Harold Garfinkel called the everyday practice of determining the gender of those who act. Doing Gender does not function without places in analogue and digital space, in literature, in science, technology or history. Doing Gender makes architecture and shapes architectural […]
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Preservation: Communicate & Exhibit Elective Course Fall Semester 2021 Current strategies of «building in the existing fabric» are backed by various historical theories and practices of preservation. But which architects follow – explicitly or implicitly – which theory? How do these points of view evolve through the works of different actors in their preservation and […]
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Repair: Making Things Better Elective Course Fall Semester 2021 The lifespan of objects is decreasing not only in product design but also in architecture due to complex constructions, use of materials tha are difficult to dismantle, and industrial manufacturing processes. Repairability is becoming less of a concern – replacement seems to be the norm. We […]
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FUTURE MONUMENTS HS21 Lecture series in the fall semester 2021 The responsible reconstruction and further development of the existing building stock requires knowledge and an understanding of the theoretical positions on conservation and the basics of preservation in practice. This core course conveys this knowledge to students with the help of selected writings and discusses […]
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Digital Construction Archive funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Project Proposal and Director: Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg, Project Proposal: Dr. Tobias BüchiCo-Director and Contact: Dr. Adrian Pöllinger The radical turn from industrial to digital design and production has led to a paradigm shift in architecture, and it impacts the possibilities to preserve the […]
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